250 years of history
In 2024, Tallents Solicitors celebrates 250 years in business, having served more than nine generations of North Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire people.
The present law firm of Tallents can trace its roots back to two Newark law firms. The first one was Tallents & Co, which was founded by Mr Philip Tallents, who was admitted as a solicitor in 1774. The other part of the firm was Hodgkinson and Beevor, which was started by Grosvenor Hodgkinson in the mid-19th Century. His son, Mr Robert Hodgkinson, went into partnership with Mr Henry Beevor in about 1900 and the firm moved to its present home at 3 Middlegate in 1901.
A journey through the history of Tallents Solicitors
Mr. Philip Tallents (1741-1789) was admitted as a solicitor on 27 January 1774 and founded Tallents & Co in Newark.
Mr. Samuel Tallents was articled to his father in 1783 and admitted as a solicitor in 1789, joining Tallents & Co.
Mr. William Edward Tallents (1780-1837) was admitted as a solicitor 5 January 1796 to Samuel Allen. He joined his father at Tallents & Co sometime thereafter.
Mr. Edward Smith Godfrey (1768-1843) was a Newark mercer and Alderman. Godfrey became a solicitor, and went into partnership with Job Brough of Newark. By 1805 he was in partnership with Mr. William Edward Tallents, which possibly led to the firm also being known as ‘Godfrey Tallents’. He retired as a solicitor sometime before 1832.
Tallents Solicitors’ present Newark office, No. 3 Middlegate, was built as a private home for Mr. Joseph Pocklington. It later was a school before it became solicitors’ offices.
The Diaries of Mr. Godfrey Tallents (1812-1877) show a fascinating insight into the busy life of a rural solicitor. The diaries show that Godfrey Tallents was a land agent for both the dukes of Newcastle of Clumber Park and the Sutton family of Kelham Hall and managed their propertied interests.
In 1834 he was appointed a Master Extraordinary in the Court of Chancery.
Mr. William Edward Tallents goes into partnership with Mr. Thomas F. A. Burnaby.
Tallents and Co. becomes Tallents, Burnaby, Griffin & Co.
The Senior Partner in 1846 was Mr. Godfrey Tallents (1812-1877).
![Godfrey Tallents (1845-1917), painted by Arthur Spooner. Original painting is held in Newark Town Hall Museum and Art Gallery](https://www.tallents.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_2397-768x1024.jpeg)
Godfrey Tallents (1845-1917), painted by Arthur Spooner. Original painting is held in Newark Town Hall Museum and Art Gallery
The sons of Mr. Godfrey Tallents, Mr. William E. Tallents (1842-1918) and Mr. Godfrey Tallents (1845-1917), both followed their father, grandfather and great-grandfather in joining Tallents & Co.
Hodgkinson & Beevor Solicitors created by a partnership between Mr. Robert Hodgkinson and Mr. Henry Beevor.
Hodgkinson & Beevor move to 3 Middlegate in Newark.
Hodgkinson & Beevor merge with Tallents & Co to become Hodgkinson and Tallents.
A merger with Temperley and Co. creates the Southwell office.
A merger with Harding and Co. creates the Mansfield office.
The firm reverts back to the original name of Tallents Solicitors.
Tallents Solicitors celebrates 235 years in business.
Tallents wins Business Commitment to the Community at Newark Business Awards and is runner up for Excellence in Business.
Tallents Solicitors is one of the first firms in the UK to be accredited to the Law Society’s Wills and Inheritance Trust Scheme (WIQS).
Tallents Solicitors celebrates 240 years in business.
Tallents Solicitors celebrates 245 years in business. The Mansfield office celebrates 30 years in Mansfield.
Tallents Solicitors celebrates 250 years in business, making it one of the oldest law firms in England.