Trusts, probate and estate administration

One of the firm’s largest departments deals with all aspects of trying to ensure, so far as is possible, that your assets are dealt with, in accordance with your wishes in the event of your death.

Wills and Inheritance tax planning from Tallents SolicitorsThe law and tax legislation governing the areas of trusts, probate and estate administration are often complex and require a high level of expertise.

Within our probate department, we have staff experienced in:

  • obtaining probate
  • administering the deceased’s estate
  • assisting executors with estate administration
  • administration of charities and trust funds with particular emphasis on income tax and capital gains tax related matters
  • trust and charities tax compliance
  • charity accounts and reports
  • preparation of complex estate accounts
  • settlement of taxation liabilities for estates

For a PDF of our costs, please click below:

For advice on disputing a will, see our personal dispute resolution page.

WIQS Client Charter

The Law Society’s Wills and Inheritance Quality scheme (WIQS) provides a quality standard for wills, probate and estate administration practices, by requesting that firms adhere to the scheme Protocol.

The Client Charter on this page is designed to set client expectations on what they can expect from a WIQS accredited firm.

Tallents Solicitors has been accredited with the Wills and Inheritance Quality scheme Award WIQSThe Wills and Inheritance Quality Scheme

Tallents Solicitors in Newark, Southwell and Mansfield are proud to have achieved the high standards of practice and integrity required to become accredited with the Law Society’s Wills and Inheritance Quality Scheme.

The Scheme’s logo is your guarantee that our practice will provide high quality will drafting, probate and estate administration services.

What we will do for you

We will carry out our work for you in accordance with the good practice standards of the Law Society’s Wills and Inheritance Protocol.

This means that we will:

  • treat you with dignity and respect
  • be polite and considerate
  • use clear language and keep legal jargon to a minimum
  • explain what the costs are likely to be and how we charge
  • advise you on the issues and the options for dealing with them
  • explain what you can expect from us
  • carry out our work in a timely manner
  • respond promptly to your enquiries, and
  • keep you informed of our progress.

See more here.

Meet our Trusts, Probate and Estate Administration team

Jackie Watts is a Solicitor and Notary Public at Tallents Solicitors

Jackie Watts

Solicitor & Notary Public
  • We both agreed that the service we received from you could not have been bettered. Many thanks for your help.

    T & D M

    Mansfield, October 2024

  • Dear Mary, I can't express too many times how grateful I am for everything. It's been a long and complex process (though thanks to your firm, I've been spared the difficult bits). I'm grateful to how your colleagues handled the original house purchase and helped my mother back in 2013-14 and everything else to do with her estate.


    Mansfield, July 2024

  • I would also like to thank you for getting these documents drawn up so quickly so that we could sign them before we all left town on Friday, that made the process go so much faster! I would also like to commend Mr. Whiting for making this such a simple process for us and for being so understanding and caring in his dealings with us all, especially our mother.


    Southwell, June 2022

  • It is almost four years to the day that my Mentally handicapped Brother passed away. The complex business of bringing closure to his financial affairs and legalities, was carried out, most professionally, by Mrs Elizabeth Rees, them based at your Mansfield Office. She accommodated me with the compassion and care as the process unfolded. I remain ever thankful for her kindness to me personally, at such a time of loss. I have let me known amongst my own family that I would prefer Tallents Solicitors, preferably Mrs Rees, to handle my affairs when that becomes necessary.,

    Rae Gray

    Mansfield, June 2022

  • Clare, Emma & Kerry, I would just like to say a huge thank you to you all for the service you have provided me over the last year or so. Clare and Emma you have been incredibly understanding, sympathetic and have dealt with everything (including myself) with the utmost compassion and made difficult times run smooth and dealt with my Dad with care and humanity thank you. Kerry, as always you have dealt with the sale of the estate and the buyer's diabolical solicitors with haste and understanding thank you. Once again thank you. Yours sincerely


    Newark, December 2021

  • We would both like to take this opportunity to thank you for your kind help and assistance regarding the earlier will and subsequent probate matters relating to our late relative. You have been a great support to us both during this difficult and tedious time. Thank you once more.

    Neil & Joy Airey

    Mansfield, June 2021