Employment contracts
Employees who have worked one month or more are entitled to a written statement of particulars of the most important aspects of their contract.
By law, the statement must be provided within two months of the start date. Though there is no legal requirement to provide an employment contract as such, failure to provide the written statement can result in compensation of 2-4 weeks’ pay (though this is not a stand alone right and can only be pursued alongside a separate employment tribunal claim, e.g. unfair dismissal).
Though some employers issue a standard employment contract to all employees, many of these will not contain the information required for a statement of written particulars. They are also unlikely to be tailored to the specific needs of the business.
Tallents provide a range of employment documentation including contracts, service agreements, consultancy agreements and policies and procedures.
Call our employment law team now on 01636 671881 to arrange a consultation.