This year the pantomime will be Cinderella, starring Lynne McGranger from Home and Away, with a supporting cast of very talented actors, including Keith Jack as Prince Charming and Katriona Perrett as Cinderella.
Partner, Alistair Millar, was at the launch of the panto to meet the cast and welcome them to Newark.
Alistair said:
It isn’t really Christmas without a visit to the pantomime and Tallents Solicitors is delighted to be able to help the Palace Theatre bring another amazing show to Newark for Christmas 2015.
Alistair did his best to chair the meeting, but the cast were determined to have some fun, with Buttons attempting to take the meeting minutes, while one of the Ugly Sisters wanted to grab the limelight by lying on the table!
Tickets for this year’s pantomime can be obtained from the Palace Theatre Newark box office, or online by clicking here.
Tallents Solicitors are also the Principal Sponsors of the Palace Theatre Newark, entering their fourth year of sponsorship in 2015.
Said Alistair:
Tallents Solicitors are delighted to be working in partnership with the Palace Theatre Newark. Two old, established Newark names, serving the community together. And with the links to the new National Civil War Centre being formalised in 2016, we look forward to supporting the Palace Theatre as it brings a new range of arts and entertainment in Newark.
Photos were taken by Stuart Wilde Photography.